Hardware Injections: Innovative Approach to Pain Management at Comprehensive Pain Institute of Texas

Headache Management: Occipital & Trigeminal Nerve Blocks

Headache Management: Occipital & Trigeminal Nerve Blocks

If you live with chronic headache pain, you are not alone. Recently, the Center for Disease Control reported that 25.5% of men and women, aged 18-44 experience severe headaches. At CPI’s Bedford pain and wellness center (in conjunction with our Benbrook...
How Arthrograms Can Help with Chronic Joint Pain

How Arthrograms Can Help with Chronic Joint Pain

There are many different types of treatments for helping people with chronic pain. Some of these tools are also helpful in assessing the severity and location of the condition. Arthrograms fall into that category – they can help with the diagnostic process as well as...
Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Pain Management

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Pain Management

In recent years, researchers have discovered many practical applications for hyaluronic acid. This includes everything from wrinkle reduction to chronic pain relief. At CPI, our orthopedic doctors in Benbrook TX (as well as at our Bedford location) often get asked...
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