Tips on Caring for Sports Injuries

Tips on Caring for Sports Injuries

Whether you are a veteran athlete, a high schooler playing in your first JV meet or just an enthusiastic aunt or uncle playing a friendly family game of football after Thanksgiving dinner, injuries happen. Most of these injuries are preventable and many of them can be treated without long-term effects.

Today we’re going to be sharing some tips on sports injuries. This article will help you with identifying common types of sports injuries as well as give ideas on how to prevent them and care for them.


Common Sports Injuries

There are an estimated 3.5 million sports injuries in America just in children and teens. Some sports injuries are classified as acute – such as a sprained ankle – and heal up relatively quickly for most people. Other injuries fall into the category of chronic, which can stem from overuse, improper training or technique errors. Some of the most common injuries include:

  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Swollen muscles
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Concussion

There are also some areas of the body that we see more frequently injured than others. Those areas include:

  • Knee: overstretch or tear to the muscle or surrounding tissues
  • Achilles Tendon: rupture/break
  • Rotator Cuff: tear in one or more of the four muscles that comprise the rotator cuff
  • Tennis/Golfers Elbow: injury to the tendons in the elbow


Injury Prevention

A lot of prevention involves proactively caring for your body. One of the ways we recommend doing this is by starting out each season with a sports physical. If you have a history of a chronic sports injury, be sure to consult with your Bedford sports pain relief care team (locations also in Lewisville and Benbrook) in the off season as well.

Along with having a great year-round care team, some other professional prevention tips include:

  • Always warm up and stretch at start of practice and game
  • Get fitted for the proper equipment at the start of each season
  • Learn and use proper technique
  • Know your limits and respect them
  • Always end each practice or game with a cool down and stretch routine
  • Gradually increase the intensity of your training
  • Incorporate cross-training modalities

Making these practices an essential part of your sport will go farther than you can imagine when you’re in the big game. Not only will it increase your chances of avoiding an injury, but you may also find that it improves your stamina and skill.


Injury Care

Even when an athlete takes all the proper precautions for his or her sport, there is still a chance of injury. However, there are many ways of approaching sports injuries so that it doesn’t lead to a permanent seat on the bench.

If the injury is minor, the first step can be remembered by the acronym R.I.C.E.:

  • Rest: This means exactly what you think it means: take a break from your activities and find a comfortable spot to let the injured area heal.
  • Ice: Ice will help decrease the pain and swelling, especially within the first 24-48 hours of the injury. Be sure to avoid resting the ice pack directly on your skin; wrap it in some type of cloth first.
  • Compress: Wrap the injured area with a sports bandage to avoid a fluid buildup. If you start to feel numbness or tingling, re-wrap the injury in a slightly looser fashion.
  • Elevate: Place the injured area in a place that is above or at heart-level to minimize inflammation.

If you suspect that the injury is more serious or there is no change after three days of rest, ice, compression and elevation, consult a member of your pain care team. Some of the symptoms that may indicate a severe injury include:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Severe swelling
  • Severe pain
  • Strange noises when joint/area is mobilized
  • Inability to move area or put weight on the area
  • Visible deformities to the injured area

If any of these symptoms are present, it’s best to be seen at an urgent care clinic or an emergency room as soon as possible.


Bedford Sports Pain Relief

Our goal is to do all we can to ensure you are able to continue living the life you are passionate about living without pain getting in the way. When it comes to sports injuries, that means we will take the time to listen to your concerns and do a thorough assessment of your condition in order to create a treatment plan geared towards the best possible outcome. Get in touch today to get started on that treatment plan now! 

Call 817-786-8238 to schedule an appointment!

© 2025 Comprehensive Pain Institute
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