Giving Thanks for Pain Relief: An Evolution of Pain Management
Thanksgiving marks an opportunity to pause and express our thanks for life’s many gifts, while reflecting upon and showing appreciation to family, friends and loved ones for everything they’ve given us. However, for those living with chronic pain, it can...
Hypogastric Sympathetic Blocks: A Closer Look at Pain Relief for Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain can be debilitating for both men and women alike, hindering daily life and overall wellbeing. Thanks to medical advancements, we now have access to various pain management techniques designed to alleviate its distressing symptoms; one such method gaining...
Neuralgia Pain De-Mystified: Understanding, Managing, and Treating Nerve Pain
Anyone who has experienced nerve pain knows it’s unlike any other kind. Neuralgia (nerve pain) can range from a dull ache to sharp shooting sensations—and often leaves patients feeling uncertain how best to treat their discomfort. At the Comprehensive Pain...
Understanding Chronic Pain: Raising Awareness for Pain Management
September is pain awareness month and with that, we are highlighting the importance of pain management for those in need of relief! Pain is a universal experience and natural reaction to physical harm. But when pain persists beyond its usual healing processes, it...