Tips for a Healthy Back: How to Stay Active & Protect Your Back

Tips for a Healthy Back: How to Stay Active & Protect Your Back

If you are curious about finding ways to keep or improve the health of your back, you’re not alone. In 2017, 49% of adults were prone to back pain and 54% of adults had neck or back pain for five years or longer. The good news is that, with our help, you can beat those statistics. Today’s topic will give you a few practical tips towards protecting your back—So, you might say that we’ve “got your back!”

Without further ado, let’s get into it! 


About Back Pain & Causes 

When we talk about back pain, we are referring to problems that affect the entire spine – from the base of your skull down all the way through your lower back. The spine is made up of three regions – cervical, thoracic and lumbar – and 24 vertebral bones. Back problems also affect the dozens of connecting nerves, muscles, tendons, discs and ligaments. A healthy back is essential for a healthy life because its components support systems throughout the entire body.

The most common area for back pain is the lumbar (lower back) region. However, pain can occur anywhere in the back and is most often the result of injury or activity or sometimes even specific medical conditions. A few of the more common causes include:

  • Strains due to improper lifting technique or awkward movements
  • Structural problems (Arthritis, Sciatica, Bulging or Ruptured Disks)
  • Poor posture or repetitive stress
  • Age
  • Sedentary lifestyle


Activity & Back Pain

One of the top ways to get (and keep) a healthy back is through regular activity. Although our back pain Benbrook TX (clinics also located in Bedford & Lewisville) specialists offer a wide variety of treatments and therapies for targeting back pain, those treatments work best in tandem with a lifestyle that supports a healthy back.

  • If you already have an active lifestyle you might benefit from adding some variety by trying a new or slightly different exercise modality. Consult your care team at the CPI Pain Clinic for specific recommendations that you could integrate into your routine.
  • If you do not already have an active lifestyle, don’t be afraid to start small. Consider a daily walk around your block or joining a beginner class at your local gym. Some yoga studios even offer classes that specifically focus on lower back pain.

Benefits to an active lifestyle go far beyond keeping your back healthy. It can also help you keep a healthy weight, strengthen your back muscles, improve your psychological health, and much more. Don’t wait – get moving today!


Best Exercises for a Healthy Back 

Research has shown that people who are physically fit are not only more resistant to back pain and injury but also have a shorter recovery time [when injured] than those who are less physically fit. When it comes to the best exercises for a healthy back, our back doctors in Benbrook TX (clinics also located in Bedford & Lewisville) encourage you to remember the phrase “low impact.” Some examples of low impact exercises include:

  • Swimming/water aerobics
  • Stretching
  • Walking
  • Bike riding
  • Pilates
  • Yoga

If you have tried the activities listed here and still find yourself struggling, give our CPI Pain Clinic a call. Our back doctors in Benbrook TX, Bedford TX, and Lewisville TX can give you a more exhaustive list of possibilities that your back with thank you for! 


Don’t forget Pain Management Treatment 

Last, but certainly not least, we encourage you to work together with a care team to create a pain management treatment that’s safe and customized for your body, lifestyle and other possible co-existing conditions.

Our CPI Pain Clinic offers many state-of-the-art options that can increase your spine’s flexibility, strength, endurance and overall health. And, best of all, we provide a 360-degree treatment approach to pain management. That means that we make sure your pain management treatment is the very best plan for your whole being, not just where you might feel it today.  Check out our pain management services right here.


CPI Pain Clinic – Back Pain Benbrook, Bedford & Lewisville TX

The key to remember is that if you learn how to protect your back, your back will continue to protect you. Give yourself and your back the best protection possible with the help of a specialized care team at CPI Pain Clinic. We’ve got all the tips, tricks, and tools necessary to help your whole body move in ways you never dreamed possible!

Give us a call today at 817-786-8238 to learn more.

Disclaimer: You should always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider before beginning any exercise program. The information contained in this article does not constitute medical advice, nor does reading or accessing this information create a patient-provider relationship.  Comments that you post will be shared with all visitors to this page. All comments are not governed by HIPAA and you should not post any private health information. 

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